Welcome to the Greater Finglas Parish, the churches of St. Canice’s & St. Margaret’s, St. Oliver Plunkett’s & St. Finian’s and The Annunciation. We, the Catholic community of Greater Finglas Parish respond to our Baptismal call. We are guided by the gospel values and we seek to continue the mission of Jesus Christ by welcoming, supporting and guiding all in our Parish Family through prayer, sacramental celebration, service and education.
Safeguarding – Archbishop’s Homily
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Building Hope with Action – Pastoral Letter
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The Litmus Newsletter
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Greater Finglas Parish News & Events

+353 (01) 834 3110 / (01) 834 1284

🕀 Mass Times
St. Oliver Plunkett’s & St. Finian’s Oratory
Mass: Monday-Wednesday-Friday: 9:15am
Communion Service: Tue & Thu: 9:15am
Daily Mass (Monday to Saturday)
St. Canice’s 10:00am
Saturday Vigil Mass
St. Finian’s 5:00pm
St. Canice’s 6:00pm
The Annunciation (St. Fergal’s Hall) 6:30pm
Sunday Mass
St. Margaret’s 10:00am
The Annunciation 10:00am
St. Oliver Plunkett’s 11:30am
St. Canice’s 11:30am

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (St. Canice’s Church):
Monday to Friday from 8:45am-9:25am
Wednesday 7:30pm to 8:15pm concluding with Benediction
Saturday after 10:00am Mass
Contact Parish office (01 8343110 Mon-Fri 10.30-12.30)
The Baptism meetings for the parents are held on the second Tuesday of every month at 7:30 pm in the Jubilee room, in St. Oliver Plunkett’s.
Baptism’s take place on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of every month in Oliver Plunkett Church at 2 .00 pm and on the 2nd and 4th Saturday in St. Canice’s Church at 5.00 pm
To book Baptism please contact the Parish Office at 018343110