Harvest Celebration takes place in all Mass Centres on the 12th/13th Oct. We appeal to you generosity to bring non perishable food items and place into the baskets at the Sanctuary area All donated food is distributed among food shelters throughout Dublin
The Golden Jubilee of Rivermount Parish in Finglas South will be celebrated in November. Perhaps people have some stories of the history of the parish they could share.
Clothes in good clean condition are urgently needed for boys between the ages of 5-13yrs. If possible please label bags with appropriate age . Clothes can be left into the Parish Office between office hours for the attention of Fr. Shiels.
When Booking a Mass please phone in the request to the Parish Office giving at least two weeks notice in advance of date required.
Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament with a Holy Hour on every Wednesday evening starting at 7.30pm concluding with benediction.