The sacraments are instituted by Jesus Christ and are a gift from God, given through the Church as an outpouring of His love. Through the seven sacraments (Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, Reconciliation, Anointing of the sick, Marriage and Holy Orders), God justifies and sanctifies His people.

The birth of a baby is a very special and joyful event in a family. We warmly welcome parents who wish to have their child baptised. Baptism is the first step of your child’s journey to God. Members of the Parish Baptism Team welcome and support parents who ask for the gift of Baptism for their children in the Greater Finglas Parish. Members of the Baptism Team meet with the parents to explore the significance of Baptism, enabling the family to celebrate their child’s Baptism in a meaningful and welcoming way. This meeting is held on the Tuesday evening prior to the Saturday or Sunday of the Baptism.
Baptisms take place on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of every month in St. Oliver Plunkett’s Church at 2.00 pm and on the 2nd and 4th Saturday in St. Canice’s Church at 5.00 pm. Parents must contact the Parish Office to book a Baptism Date. For adults who would like to consider Baptism for themselves there is a special Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Programme that is offered within the Dublin Diocese and a prospective candidate is encouraged to make contact with one of the priests of the Parish.
The sacrament of Penance or Confession is a beautiful gift given by Jesus to the Church on Easter Sunday, the day of His resurrection when He gave the apostles the gift of His Holy Spirit by breathing on them and saying to them “Whose sins you forgive they are forgiven, whose sins you retain they are retained”. Confessions in St Canice’s are held each Saturday morning at 10.30am (except when the Mass is a funeral requiem Mass).
As part of our commitment to our local schools we will meet all the children and their families at their first confessions. Such a ceremony is indeed a special occasion for the children, their parents and families and the school community. As part of the children’s preparation there are regular visits and practice sessions with the Parish Pastoral Worker and the priest in the school and also in the church.


The Mass is the greatest treasure in the life of the Church. In Greater Finglas Parish it is the centre of every day and every weekend. It is where we respond together in love to Jesus’ invitation at the Last Supper to “Do this in memory of me”.
Preparation for first Holy Communion: First Holy Communion is intended as the gateway to weekly participation in the parish celebration of life, death and the resurrection of Jesus and the children of the 2nd Classes in all of our local schools will be preparing for their First Holy Communion. Together with the priests of the Parish and the Parish Pastoral Worker, the teachers and parents will collaborate in the instruction of all children who will take this sacrament. This is an important and big day for all the children and for their parents.
Holy Communion for those who cannot attend our services: If for reasons of difficult or poor health a Parishioner cannot attend our services, we encourage their participation through our live link and if they would like to receive communion then please make contact with the Parish office whereupon an arrangement can be made with one of the Priests / Eucharistic Ministers to bring communion to them at home.
The sacrament of Confirmation celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit with His gifts inspired the apostles to take the step of preaching the good news. We are made members of God’s family at Baptism. At Confirmation, our Baptism is completed or “sealed” by the Holy Spirit and we are called to be Christian witnesses, just like the apostles.
The 6th class children of the parish primary schools are nominated by their parents as candidates for confirmation. Supported by their parents, the parish and the school, they prepare for this important day where the promises made for them at Baptism are confirmed by them in the presence of the parish community


In preparing for your wedding in Greater Finglas Parish churches, it is essential that your first point of contact will be the Parish Office. The Parish Secretary will inform you of what is required by Church and State and arrange for one of the priests to contact you. The Church requires each couple to complete a Pre-Marriage course. ACCORD is the main diocesan approved provider of Marriage courses and support in living out the gift of marriage in an often-challenging world. There are several other agencies providing similar courses. The priest will assist the couple in the filling out of the Pre-Nuptial Enquiry Forms (Marriage Papers). Recently issued Baptism and Confirmation certificates will be basic requirements. If a couple have lived in a different parish after they have reached 18 they will be required to have either a letter of freedom or Statement of Freedom to marry.
The Family Law Act requires a couple to give a minimum of three months’ notice to the Registrar of Marriages, Lombard Street, Dublin 2
Any person who is ill is welcome to receive this sacrament. The primary purpose of the special grace of Anointing of the Sick is to comfort and strengthen the sick person. It quiets anxiety and dissipates fear. It enables the sick person to embrace God’s will and to face the possibility of death without apprehension. Please contact any priest in the parish and he will be delighted to celebrate this sacrament with you.
Sick Calls & Home Visits: It would help us a lot if family or neighbours of unwell parishioners who may be in hospital or confined to home would let us know and, with their permission, a visit from one of the priests of the Parish can be organised.